call all high-performing profesionals & entrepreneurs... 
Be mentally & financially Bulletproof, execute with ease & urgency with complete peace of mind – so you can 3X Your Revenue NOW [No more anxiety or worries about progress or if you're doing things the right way!]
 Be personally coached by dre to Optimize your Mindset, Strategy, Systems & Accountability – all for the goal of performance and results
Work On Your Game Teaches high-performing individuals to use the mindset & performance tools of professional athletes. 
Only the top 2% reach the top in professional sports. 

It's player-versus-player. Not everyone can "make it" – and frankly, that's how it's supposed to be. Not everyone is supposed to. 
most people don't have your ambition.
You see it at work. 
In your community. 
At family gatherings. 

You used to feel like something might be wrong with YOU, because there were so few like you. 

Should you lower your ambitions? Be more "realistic" about what you want? 

You're over that nonsense now. You know what you need: To connect with someone who see things how you see them. Who has worked with people just as driven and committed as you.  

Right now though, you feel like a man (or woman) without a country. Ambitious, but alone and lost on your journey. 
In school, when you were "lost" and didn't know what to do, class stopped and the teacher made sure you were taken care of. 
In real life, nobody cares. Everyone moves on and you're left alone to fend for yourself. 
Any help you get – especially as a highly ambitious go-getter – you must go find it. 

No one feels sorry for you. 

Still interested? Keep reading... 👇
Meritocracy: the holding of power by people selected on the basis of their ability.
I was a professional athlete for nearly a decade. 

My career wasn't supposed to happen, given where I started and that I wasn't one of the "chosen few" destined to make it.

I Made It anyway – Because I developed my GAME. Sports Is A Meritocracy - The Best Performers ALWAYS Win. Your game has the final say.

business is NOT a true meritocracy.
While performance does matter, in business you get the most rewards for being superior in three areas – 
1) Strategy: Your plan of action

2) System: Consistent, duplicatable execution

3) Politics: Who you know, who knows you - and leveraging those connnections
👆 THIS is how you win in business. 
The biggest challenge for Professionals: knowing what game you're in and the best way to play it.
That's why my life's work is giving you "The Game" AND helping you "Work On Your Game". 

It's led to 35 books, 4 TEDxTalks, 30,000 pieces of content and millions of people served over the past two decades. 

I'm the best at what I do because I not only KNOW the game – but I can explain it and teach it.

That's why I have this coaching program in Work On Your Game University. 

This is the ONLY place to be personally coached by me based around our four-part framework:
1) Mindset: THe foundation of all success (or failure)

2) strategy: Your plan of action for playing  (and winning) the game

3) Systems: The mechanics to execute your plan consistently & predictably

4) Accountability: Ensuring that you + your plan are doing their jobs (and fixing them when they're not)
Not only that, but you'll be connected with others on your same path – so you're no longer a "lone wolf" trying to do everything on your own. 
And, here's how we address those 3 areas we talked about earlier... 
1) Strategy: You have a full game plan to know exactly what to do, why to do it, when and where to do it... and have dre as your guide for every challenge along the way!

2) System: You have a process for executing your game plan consistently and reliably, so we find what works and use it over and over again – which means you get the results you want consistently and reliably!

3) Politics: You will be seen, heard and known. your name is "out there" – so you're no longer flying solo – and will make connections work in your favor (so you have incoming business seeking you out) that you don't have to chase!
Sound Good? Here's how to get started... 👇
your coach: Dre Baldwin 
Dre Baldwin is CEO and Founder of Work On Your Game Inc. He has given 4 TEDxTalks and has authored 35 books. 

Dre’s content has been consumed over 103 million times. His daily Work On Your Game Podcast has over 2,898 episodes and over 7.3 million listeners. 

Dre had a 9-year professional basketball career, playing in 8 countries. Dre’s framework is the "roadmap in reverse" for professional mindset, strategy, systems and execution.

Through Work On Your Game University Dre has coached over 1,000 professionals. 
over 827 Video Courses
Interactive lessons that cover all the personal & professional development material you need to make the most of your talent & resources.
Have 24/7 unlimited access to courses available ON-DEMAND to help you Work On Your Game anywhere, anytime.
Monthly mailings
We send out TWO physical mailings each month to active members to supplement your learning and advance your Game
Bulletproof Bulletin + MasterClass Black Book 
you'll receive a NEW edition of these EVERY MONTH For Your First 12 Months!
university courses
dre goes deep on mindset, branding, selling yourself, and networking. with these, you can not only choose your subject, but learn at your own pace -- which means you can take them in when it's comfortable for you. 
Work On Your Game System 


The Tested & Proven System Gives You The Exact 9 Principles To Understand And Implement The Work On Your Game Framework To Your Life... Within 72 Hours (Or Less). 

The Work On Your Game System lays out the COMPLETE Work On Your Game philosophy and framework in 9 easy steps that you will begin applying immediately
what you're getting [9 module video course]
  • Module 1: Develop Your Game
  • Module 2: Show Your Game
  • Module 3: Return On Investment
  • Module 4: Discipline
  • Module 5: Confidence
  • ​​Module 6: Mental Toughness
  • Module 7: Personal Initiative 
  • Module 8: Mindset
  • Module 9: Strategy
  • Module 10: Accountability
  • Module 11: Action
  • Module 12: Communication
how THis helps you
  • Result: Know the entire Work On Your Game System from top to bottom – and how to apply it
  • Result: Have a clear plan for turning your "game" and ideas into something REAL
  • Result: Have the Mindset, Strategy and Action steps to make things happen personally and professionally
WHy It really matters for you
  • COMPLETE: Leverage the FULL Work On Your Game ethos at work and in life
  • MINDSET: Have the key foundational element in place
  • STRATEGY: Know in which direction you're going and the "big picture" goals you're after
  • ​ACTION: Give yourself options for putting your strategy to work, changing as necessary


My boss heard Dre speak and was wowed by his perspective and enthusiasm for success. At the time of Dre's talk for our group, we were celebrating our company's top sellers. The challenge that faced us in that setting was motivation to press on and achieve even more success this year than the last. His words were impactful to the level that a worker in the venue where Dre was speaking to us actually came up to him later and thanked him, stating that Dre spoke on exactly what he needed to hear that night. Dre was very professional and even stood in for photos and autographs after his speaking time was finished. 

Rachel Swires
Executive Assistant
bulletproof mindset 2.0


Bulletproof Mindset is more than a course. 

Bulletproof Mindset is the FOUNDATIONAL groundwork Dre laid first for himself, and what he's taught on a daily basis for the past 15 years -- starting with athletes and now with entrepreneurs, freelancers and business professionals. 

Bulletproof Mindset is not something you do -- it's who you  will transform into over the course of the 12 modules. Imagine A WHOLE NEW YOU, leaving your past self behind. 

That's the opportunity this course is offering. You in? 
what you're getting [12-Module Video Course]
  • Module 1: The 7 Golden Rules
  • Module 2: Personal Mental Conditioning System 
  • Module 3: The Little Things That Make a BIG Difference 
  • Module 4: Mindset Mistakes That Good People Habitually Make
  • Module 5: Handling Negativity From People & Circumstances
  • Module 6: The Power Of Razor Sharp Focus
  • Module 7: Communicating With Power
  • Module 8: Making It Who You ARE, Not Just What You DO
  • Module 9: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Module 10: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Module 11: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Module 12: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
how THis helps you
  • Result: Condition yourself to be at your best mentally on a DAILY basis 
  • Result: Eliminate the MENTAL COBWEBS that block clear thinking
  • Result: Handle negative and uncooperative people EASILY
  • Result: Sharpen your FOUCS to get more stuff done every day
  • Result: Communicate in a powerful way and always get your point across 
  • Result: Make your new mindset who you, one that lasts PERMANENTLY
  • Result: Handle and fix all the common mental errors that erode the Bulletproof Mindset
  • Result: In addition to the internal change, your transformation will show on the outside as well -- everyone will see and feel your new energy 
  • Result: A Whole NEW YOU
WHy It really matters for you
  • SUPER-PRODUCTIVE: Get and THE MOST done every day
  • LEADERSHIP: People will FOLLOW your directives and LISTEN when you talk 
  • ​EXCITED: Wake up energized about life every day
  • ​WORKING FOR YOU: Have your mind on your side, never against you 
  • ​CONFIDENCE: Live at your highest possible level and stay there 
  • ​CONDITION: Your mind like a top athlete conditions their body 


Thanks for the advice and content. I have applied some of your advice and so far have added staff to my academy and turned over management of some aspects to them, freeing up hours during my week. I am also Head Coach for a HS Varsity Team now, with a strong staff to whom I have delegated responsibility as well. Thanks to your advice, I am able to deliver in both areas on the same amount of time I was allocating to just one task before. I guess I just needed to take that first step of faith. It’s getting easier and now I can see how I can continue to expand my capacity into more areas and involve/promote others at the same time.

Rob Pierson
Director, Shine Basketball Academy
Next Mission: life & Career transition course


Now more than ever, many people are transitioning – changing careers and starting anew. What's the best way to do it? 

Next Mission holds your hand and walks you through the process of changing careers and finding a new direction. Dre draws on his own transitions from professional sports to entrepreneurship and what he learned and applied in the process -- fro everyone from athletes to military, entrepreneurs, freelancers and business professionals. 

Next Mission is your full life plan for the next steps in your life. Changing careers should not need to be a struggle and with Next Mission, it won't be. 

Let's make your Next Mission your BEST mission. 
what you're getting [12-Module Video Course]
  • Module 1: The Core Next Mission Tools
  • Module 2: Cardio For The Mind 
  • Module 3: The Third Day 
  • Module 4: The Super You 
  • Module 5: Self-Consciousness 
  • Module 6: What Are You Afraid Of?
  • Module 7: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Module 8: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Module 9: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Module 10: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Module 11: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Module 12: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
how THis helps you
  • Result: Have a plan for the next stage of your life 
  • Result: Make a smooth career transition
  • Result: Easily re-acclimate to civilian life
  • Result: Execute a gameplan strategically
  • Result: Learn to communicate your value to those who need to understand it 
  • Result: Avoid depending on shady programs or government assistance
WHy It really matters for you
  • LEVEL-UP: Make the rest of your life the BEST of your life
  • DEVELOPMENT:  Continue the process of SELF-IMPROVEMENT and high STANDARDS that's already ingrained in you
  • SKILLS: Unearth Real-life Abilities that are TRANSFERRABLE and MARKETABLE in the professional world
  • ​EQUIPPED: Have the TOOLS – hard skills and soft skills – to COMPETE with anyone
  • ​MINDSET:  Live with the Unbreakable Mentality to SEAMLESSLY HANDLE the inevitable challenges of your transition
  • ​SELF-CONFIDENCE:  Believe that you can BE EVEN BETTER at your next mission than you were at your last

Added Tremendous Value To My Life

I have known Dre for years now, and every interaction I have with him adds tremendous value to my life. From sitting down with him 1-on-1 to discussing the next steps for my business, the wisdom and guidance he shares has always been on-point, visionary and empowered. Thank you, Dre, for the contribution you are to so many lives on this planet. You rock!

- Jeska Brodbeck
Mindful Performance Coach, Miami Beach, FL
business builder: entrepreneurship basics


Whether doing it full-time or as a side hustle, everyone's becoming an entrepreneur. It only makes sense that you understand the basics of how it's done. 

Business Builder lays the foundation by giving you the basics of establishing and starting a business that can be applied in any industry, regardless of what you sell or who your customers are. 

Business Builder is your business "textbook" that will serve as your handy reference file for getting your business off the ground – and to troubleshoot any future issues. 

Let's start putting money in your pocket. 
what you're getting [13-Module Video Course]
  • Module 1: What Business Are You In?
  • Module 2: Ideation & Execution
  • Module 3: Poor Money Mindsets
  • Module 4: Healthy Money Mindsets 
  • Module 5: Communication 
  • Module 6: How To Sell
  • Module 7: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Module 8: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Module 9: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Module 10: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Module 11: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Module 12: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Module 13: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
how THis helps you
  • Result: Know exactly what your business is and how you're running it 
  • Result: Start making money ASAP
  • Result: Set prices that get you paid the money you WANT to make
  • Result: Target and serve your IDEAL clients 
  • Result: Learn how to use social media for your business (or not)
  • Result: Establish systems that allow your business to run smoothly and predictably 
WHy It really matters for you
  • REVENUE: Start EARNING THE AMOUNT YOU WANT TO MAKE instead of merely what someone wants to pay you
  • FREEDOM: Create the TIME + FINANCIAL SPACE that lets you live how you WANT to live
  • SELLING: Master the #1 skill of entrepreneurship to MAXIMIZE YOUR RETURN ON INVESTMENT
  • ​POWER: Be in position to CALL THE SHOTS IN YOUR LIFE instead of being under the thumb of a boss
  • ​MENTALITY: Develop the "MONEY MINDSET"OF A HIGH-EARNER and see the immediate results

An Immediate Improvement

The mindset piece has been HUGE for me. In the past, these challenges would have had me laying on the floor in agony – but now, I have a lot more Mental Toughness and don't allow setbacks to slow me down. This has been a great investment! 

- Shani Smith
Your Body, Your Health: fitness & nutrition


In our rush to generate business and make money, we sometimes neglect our health and fitness. 

The problem: Money can be replaced. Jobs and contracts can be won and lost. Businesses can close and re-open. But you body cannot be replaced. 

Your Body, Your Health is your guide to get in shape and STAY in shape so you body can support your hard work, hustle and grind. 

Your Body, Your Health will have you focusing on the one irreplaceable part of your life aside from your time: You physical body. It's time you did that so you can be better when you're at work on your business. 

If your body fails, it doesn't matter how much money you have. Let's get serious about that. 
what you're getting [4-Module Video Course]
  • Module 1: Exercise
  • Module 2: Maintenance
  • Module 3: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Module 4: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
how THis helps you
  • Result: Have a clear plan to get (and keep) your body in optimal shape
  • Result: Understand the simple math for losing weight and toning your body
  • Result: Stop doing things for your health that simply don't work
  • Result: Target your ideal fitness level, achieve it and maintain it
WHy It really matters for you
  • HAPPINESS: Finally BE PROUD OF WHO YOU ARE PHYSICALLY and how you show up to others
  • CONFIDENCE: Regain THE SELF-ESTEEM YOU ONCE HAD from knowing you're in your best shape
  • LONGEVITY & VITALITY: LIVE longer, have MORE ENERGY and have the energy to GET MORE DONE

I am now more successful than I ever could have imagined

I am a 19 year old entrepreneur, jus started my one online business a couple months ago, and I also work as a wind turbine technician, i graduated from jr high and never went to high school. 
Before i joined 30 days of discipline, I was having trouble keeping to anything I said that I was gonna do, I couldn't get myself to eat healthy or to go to the gym or to stick with anything practically. 

Since I started I have learned to always apply massive amounts of discipline in every aspect of my life, I am now more successful than I ever could have imagined, this is probably the best investment I have ever spent. You have given me soo much value in mi life and I forever appreciate that!!

I hope that I can meet you in person one day and tell you what a big impact you have had on my life. 
- Nefi LeBaron
30 Days To Discipline


Discipline is the foundation of your long-term success. Just like Dre says, the discipline to show up day after day and do the work. 

30 Days To Discipline is the basis of how you'll show up every day, do your best work and reach your PEAK performance level as a habit – not a random occurrence. 

30 Days To Discipline gives you a 3-5 minute lesson on understanding and embedding discipline into your life so you can be your best all the time – which means finishing everything you start and having a completion mindset and a reputation for getting the job done.  

And it will all happen in less than a month. 
what you're getting [30-day Video Course]
  • Day 1: Beneath The Surface
  • Day 2: Look Around... 
  • Day 3: The Third Day 
  • Day 4: Your Brain
  • Day 5: When You Question Yourself
  • Day 6: The Commitment 
  • Day 7: What Do You See?
  • Day 8: Monotony 
  • Day 9: Planting Seeds
  • Day 10: If You Fall Of... 
  • Day 11: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 12: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 13: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 14: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 15: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!] 
  • Day 16: Appreciate Yourself
  • Day 17: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 18: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 19: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 20: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 21: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 22: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 23: Bad Movies
  • Day 24: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 25: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 26: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 27: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 28: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 29: Building Momentum
  • Day 30: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
how THis helps you
  • Result: Finish EVERYTHING you start 
  • Result: Develop a reputation as someone who gets jobs DONE
  • Result: STOP quitting on yourself
  • Result: TRUST in yourself because you know you're true to your word
  • Result: Communicate powerfully with yourself  
WHy It really matters for you
  • EFFICIENCY: Get and THE MOST done every day
  • EFFECTIVENESS: People will FOLLOW your directives and LISTEN when you talk 
  • ​LEADERSHIP: Be the one everyone else FOLLOWS 
  • ​CONFIDENCE: Have inner TRUST IN YOURSELF from knowing your word is worth it


I wanted to let you know that I love what you're doing. I haven't heard all of your podcasts yet but I'm working my way through them. I'm an athlete from a different perspective, I'm a barrel racer. I ride horses and compete in rodeo. Although a majority of sports talk you use or work with is Basketball, I can understand everything and can use it to help myself. It actually helps me think outside the box because I can't just copy and paste the situation from whatever you may be talking about to what I'm going through. You have made me more disciplined in myself and the work I need to do to become better every day. I greatly appreciate what you do.

Caitlin Collins
Rodeo Competitor
ASAP Confidence


Confidence: The one internal trait that everyone wants. More than Discipline, more than Mental Toughness... more than anything. 

ASAP Confidence is a 30-day program where I break down the most coveted Mental Game attribute, the one that determines what you do, how you show up, and how you and your work are ultimately judged. 

With this, you'll get you a 3-5 minute daily lessons on putting yourself out there BOLDLY and AUTHENTICALLY so you put your best foot forward – which means the world starts following your lead. 

All in the time it takes to brush your teeth every morning. 
what you're getting [30-day Video Course]
  • Day 1: What Confidence Is (And Is Not)
  • Day 2: Fake It?
  • Day 3: The Super You 
  • Day 4: "Too Much Confidence"
  • Day 5: What You Say You Are
  • Day 6: Playing Your Role
  • Day 7: Your Script
  • Day 8: Becoming The Role
  • Day 9: Taking Out Garbage
  • Day 10: Who AreYou Being?
  • Day 11: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 12: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 13: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 14: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 15: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!] 
  • Day 16: Posture
  • Day 17: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 18: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 19: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 20: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 21: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 22: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 23: Subconscious Programming
  • Day 24: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 25: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 26: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 27: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 28: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 29: A Warning About People... 
  • Day 30: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
how THis helps you
  • Result: Believe in yourself at never-before-seen levels 
  • Result: Finally put yourself and your work out into the world 
  • Result: STOP second-guessing yourself
  • Result: Have ultimate self-belief when it's time to perform 
  • Result: Communicate clearly with yourself & others
WHy It really matters for you
  • BELIEF: Stop hesitating and start EXECUTING
  • LEADERSHIP: People willingly follow you as the MOST CERTAIN PERSON IN THE ROOM 
  • PERFORMANCE: DELIVER YOUR BEST work consistently
  • ​FULFILLMENT: Be HAPPIER WITH YOURSELF and your life choices
  • ​PRODUCTIVITY: Get MORE DONE IN LESS TIME with full belief in what you're doing


Hey Dre, I just wanted to say Thank You for all of your help on reaching my goals, almost 2 years ago I set out the goal of winning a national championship and I did just that this past month. For these past 2 years I really focused in on myself and really worked on getting better each and everyday. I lived by your philosophy and now because of that I’m a national champ. Thank You so much for everything Dre And it’s only the beginning 🤩 - Adam
25 hours


Learn the keys to handling your most precious asset so you can stop trying to "manage" time and start controlling it -- which means no more feeling like you're always behind schedule.

25 Hours is a 30-Day course that will have you CONTROLLING the most important aspect of your life – time – instead of feebly "managing" it.  

Within 30 days of this course, you'll be taking full control of your time, which really means taking full control over your LIFE. Are you ready to stop living by everyone else's agenda? Then start 25 Hours ASAP. 
what you're getting [30-day Video Course]
  • Day 1: This Is YOUR Life
  • Day 2: "Time is Money"? NO – Time is Life
  • Day 3: Put A Price On Your Time And Value It As Such
  • Day 4: Give Yourself Constraints
  • Day 5: To-Do Lists
  • Day 6: Why You're Always Short On Time
  • Day 7: Priorities
  • Day 8: Winning The Day
  • Day 9: Time Measurement
  • Day 10: Environment Management
  • Day 11: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 12: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 13: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 14: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 15: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!] 
  • Day 16: Main Objective For The Day
  • Day 17: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 18: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 19: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 20: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 21: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 22: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 23: Scared Of Falling Behind?
  • Day 24: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 25: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 26: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 27: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 28: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 29: Fell Controlled By Time?
  • Day 30: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
how THis helps you
  • Result: Have more time for what matters in your life
  • Result: Stop letting non-essential things take time away from you
  • Result: Finally have downtime for yourself and stop feeling as if you're always on a treadmill
  • Result: Start valuing your time as the most valuable resource you have – because it is
  • Result: Complete all your priorities consistently
WHy It really matters for you
  • IN CONTROL: Call the shots as to how you use your time on a daily basis
  • FREEDOM:  Stop feeling controlled by the clock or by other people's priorities and needs
  • POWER OF DECISION: Be in charge of how your time gets used every day
  • ​DE-STRESS: Eliminate anxiety around your schedule and things other people want from you


Dre, The life I decided to create when we talked is coming into being every day. I've created a contract and sent it off to someone on Monday. I'm firming up pricing tomorrow with a mentor. In the meantime, I got another request via Facebook for my services and I have had multiple people refer to me as "the expert" online lately. It's all coming together like you said! I listen to your podcast every day and am so incredibly grateful. You're the best. Thank you for changing my course by pushing me and challenging me. I honestly don't think I could have heard it from anyone but you at that point.

Jean South
CEO of Hired Served (Connecting Veterans & Employers)
People Skills 


Learn how to converse, make connections and build your network so you can have the valuable resource of relationships -- which means you won't have to do all the work by yourself anymore.

People Skills is a 10-Module course that will teach you how to connect, build rapport and lead people so you have the connections and relationships that you can call on any time you need them – because you can always get more done through others than you can on 

With the People Skills Course, you'll be a well-connected person who knows people and is known by other people – which means you can always make things happen. Are you ready to be well-connected? Start People Skills now. 
what you're getting [10 module Video course]
  • Module 1: The Most Important Traits Of Good People-Persons
  • Module 2: Common People Skill Errors
  • Module 3: Body Language Carries The Conversation
  • Module 4: Taking Initiative In Conversation
  • Module 5: Small But Big Stuff
  • Module 6: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Module 7: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Module 8: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Module 9: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Module 10: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
how THis helps you
  • Result: Build meaningful relationships with people of substance
  • Result: Know how to open and carry on a conversation
  • Result: Stop feeling lonely and alone in your life
  • Result: Bring value to other people who will bring value to you
  • Result: Be a leader who others want to follow
WHy It really matters for you
  • LEADERSHIP: Be the leader you – and others – really need at work and in your life
  • BODY LANGUAGE: Learn the tools of non-verbal communication to master the 90% of communication that's NOT words
  • CONVERSATION: Know how to start and carry on conversation with anyone, anytime, anywhere
  • ​CONNECTION: Make real connections with the most important tools of rapport building


Thank you for sharing your value with the world. I appreciate your value, and it has helped me to develop the mental toughness that I lacked for years. I am in a situation right now that I know a year ago would have had me sleepless, but thanks to you and God that it doesn't matter to me anymore, because I am so focused on growing myself. It feels good to be confident, focused and moving forward. 

Monique McCray-Jackson
Author of "Broken But Not Destroyed"
Toughen Up


Tap into the Mental Toughness you need to deal with life's challenges from the inside out so you will never be slowed down by setbacks -- which means you experience steady momentum.

Toughen Up is a 30-day program where I explain Mental Toughness in a way that anyone can understand and – most importantly – apply to your work & life.  Toughening Up is not about being confrontational or being a jerk for no reason. It's about knowing who you are and standing on it. 

With this, you'll stop compromising and be more firm about who you are and what you want – which means you can stop feeling as if you've let the world walk all over you. 
what you're getting [30-day Video Course]
  • Day 1: Toughness?
  • Day 2: One More
  • Day 3: Conditioning for Success 
  • Day 4: No Competition
  • Day 5: Separation Days
  • Day 6: Destroying Fear
  • Day 7: Stop Taking Everything Personally
  • Day 8: Discipline Your Body
  • Day 9: It’s Not OK To “Not Know”
  • Day 10: Trust Your Judgement
  • Day 11: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 12: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 13: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 14: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 15: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!] 
  • Day 16: When To Walk Away
  • Day 17: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 18: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 19: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 20: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 21: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 22: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 23: You're Thinking Too Much
  • Day 24: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 25: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 26: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 27: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 28: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Day 29: Run On Your Own Energy 
  • Day 30: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
how THis helps you
  • Result: Learn how to deal with uncomfortable situations
  • Result: Start playing to WIN in life 
  • Result: Get your mind working with you rather than against you
  • Result: Do more than you talk about 
  • Result: Stop settling for mediocrity
WHy It really matters for you
  • FEARLESS: Stop seeing life through the lens of fear and start seeing life as opportunity
  • SELF-ACCOUNTABILITY:  Get yourself moving and doing the things you know need to be done without outside intervention
  • PREPARATION: Utilize the discipline to prepare ahead of time like a true professional
  • ​TOUGH SKIN: Let small things roll off of you and keep moving in stride 
  • ​MAXIMIZE YOURSELF: Push yourself to make the most of your potential


Hi! My name is Raychel Shannon and I am an avid listener of your podcast. I really relate to your background story. I am a basketball player who also had a crazy journey to make it pro. I went from D2 to D3 to D2 again and made it overseas last year after overcoming a lot of closed doors. I used a lot of your material to guide me through the process and to get a taste of what to expect. Also, your podcast about reading books impacted my life in a huge way. I have always loved to read but didn’t prioritize it. Since listening I have read about a book a week and am working to increase this number even more. You have even inspired me to put my own blog together. When it is up and running I will definitely send you the link. In closing, I want to thank you for the material you put out. Keep up the great, quality work! 

Raychel Shannon
Pro Basketball Player


You are who you are, you like what you like, and you don't owe anyone an explanation. How does that sound? With this course, that will become your default approach to life, which means you'll be a lot more comfortable being YOU.

Unapologetic is a 4-module course where you'll learn to stop letting time go by as you bend and stretch yourself to fit what other people want. Isn't it time you start getting what YOU want by being who YOU are? 

With this, you'll start living the way you want to live and being who you truly are – which means doing what you want to do – and having the LIFE you want to have. 
what you're getting [30-day Video Course]
  • Module 1: How Many Lives Do You Get?
  • Module 2: Your First Priority
  • Module 3: Your Mind Right 
  • Module 4: What YOU Say
how THis helps you
  • Result: STOP editing yourself
  • Result: Start moving people and obstacles out of your way
  • Result: Feel the freedom to be who you truly
WHy It really matters for you
  • BOLD: Put yourself out there 100% and watch the world follow your lead
  • SELF-ACCEPTANCE: Release any worries about how people (including you) and judging you 
  • SELF-LEADERSHIP: Move yourself to action, knowing that your vote is the vote that counts the most


I want to thank you for the opportunity to open my awareness and thank you for the motivation. In 2018 I just built my tea company in China here in the tea gardens of Wuyi mountain. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you. I still remember your powerful speech. It has really motivated me. Here I am and I would like yo say thank you. 

Peiqin Zhao 
Certified Senior Tea Expert & Founder of Teahouse™
Content Machine


If you're building an online business, you will learn to conceptualize, create and publish content endlessly so you can find and nurture an audience -- which means having a population of eager people who always want more from you.

With the Content Machine Course, you'll know how to codify your knowledge into material that you can leverage and sell to build a business. 
what you're getting [5 module Video course]
  • Module 1: Why Content?
  • Module 2: The YOU In Your Content
  • Module 3: How To Share It
  • Module 4: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Module 5: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
how THis helps you
  • Result: Get your knowledge out of your head and "on paper"
  • Result: Build an audience around your intellectual property
  • Result: Have a business built around your proprietary knowledge
  • Result: Draw an audience that's really into what you offer
WHy It really matters for you
  • ENTREPRENEURSHIP: Build a business around your knowledge and make yourself a SOURCE of information
  • REVENUE: Make money – or even a full-time living – from your material that bring people to your paid offerings
  • OWNERSHIP: Own your business and have 100% control over how and when you do your work


I would sometimes let [lack of] self-confidence get in my way... Dre helped me get my mind right and become the person who I wanted to be. I highly recommend Dre for anyone who wants to to get on the path of getting your mind right and achieving the things that you really want to do. Work On Your Game! - John
Sell Yourself


The last thing you want to be is great at what you do, yet unable to get your goods & services in front of the people who want and need them. With this course, you'll learn how to get your name and work out there -- which means getting FULL *return on investment* for your abilities. 

With Sell Yourself, you'll be exchanging what others want – your skills, potential and value – for anything YOU want. 
what you're getting [6 module Video course]
  • Module 1: Selling Is The Only Way You Get Anything In Life
  • Module 2: What You’re Offering X What They Want 
  • Module 3: Mindset Behind Selling Yourself
  • Module 4: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Module 5: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • ​​Module 6: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
how THis helps you
  • Result: Get what you actually WANT in life
  • Result: Speak to people in their language 
  • Result: Understand how to get your way at work and in life
WHy It really matters for you
  • SATISFACTION: Go to sleep every night knowing you're getting what you actually want – not what you have to settle for
  • STOP SETTLING: Get EVERYTHING you want and demand from life and stop settling for less
  • MARGIN: Get MORE than you need so you have the space to be and do what you really want


I appreciate your advice and will be following what you said today as I have with most of the other advice that you give out on your other podcasts. I’m one of your avid daily listeners (and one of your actual appliers of advice) and have ALREADY started to ask those initial questions to potential clients. You’re changing lives out here man, I hope you know and understand that.

JD Kearse 
Creative Consultant & Filmmaker
Raise Your Value


It's time to up your worth -- and time to start demanding and getting it from the marketplace. Learn how to increase your perceived value, which means you can stop selling yourself short and feeling like you're settling. 

With Raise Your Value, you'll FINALLY be recognized in the marketplace for what you really bring to the table – and finally getting paid for it
what you're getting [Ebook + 4 audio modules]
  • Module 1: Delegation, Codification & Prices
  • Module 2: Process, Communication, Staff & Team Building
  • Module 3: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Module 4: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
how THis helps you
  • Result: Know how to price your offerings
  • Result: Build a team who can help you build your business 
  • Result: Raise your prices – and get what you want to charge
WHy It really matters for you
  • RAISED PRICES: Start charging what you're worth and selling to the people who want it and who can & will pay for it
  • PROCESS & PREDICTABILITY: Have your processes mapped out so anyone can step in and do things the same way every time 
  • TIME: Stop doing all the work by yourself and hand repeatable tasks over to others who can help

"Dropping All the Analysis Paralysis, and Shaking the Fear, and Just Doing Wtf We Wanna Do"

I just want to say that your are REALLY good at making the case for dropping all the analysis paralysis, and shaking the fear, and just doing wtf we wanna do, win lose or draw, and letting the chips fall where they fall, without whining. Nike says "Just Do It," and hell, a LOT of people say it, but few make the case like you do. Excellent work. - Steven
Social Story Secrets


Your social media story is an underrated platform for reaching an audience and building an intimate connection. Take Social Story Secrets so you can learn to foster that connection -- which means you have lifelong fans who are much more than mere followers. 

With Social Story Secrets, you will master the "Story" function on every app and let your audience feel connected to you – which is the next step in your sales process.
what you're getting [6 module video course]
  • Module 1: The HUGE Opportunity
  • Module 2: We Want PERSONALITY
  • Module 3: Quick, Easy, Next
  • Module 4: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Module 5: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • ​​Module 6: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
how THis helps you
  • Result: Let your audience further in to who you are
  • Result: Build your confidence when it comes to sharing yourself with the world
  • Result: Express your personality to your audience
WHy It really matters for you
  • CONNECTION: Make the people who follow you feel like they know you – which means they'll buy from you
  • FREE MARKETING: Leverage the story to further your relationship with your audiences
  • SALES: Learn how to smoothly promote your offerings to your audience in a way that's never slimy or heavy-handed


Much love to you Dre!  Your words this morning are exactly what I needed to hear. I’ve been listening to your podcasts for months now and it has definitely helped change the way I view myself and things. Keep doing what you’re doing!! - Leila
Competition MasterClass Course


OPPORTUNITY MasterClass Course


Communication MasterClass Course


People MasterClass Course


Relationships MasterClass Course


School, Education & Learning MasterClass Course


Pro Basketball MasterClass Course


Problem-Solving MasterClass Course


Leadership MasterClass Course


Content Creation MasterClass Course


Skills MasterClass Course


Time MasterClass Course


Discipline MasterClass Course


Mental Toughness MasterClass Course


Focus MasterClass Course


Personal Growth MasterClass Course


Confidence MasterClass Course


Energy & Urgency MasterClass Course


Business MasterClass Course


Branding MasterClass Course


Sales MasterClass Course


Money MasterClass Course


Real Conversation MasterClass Course


Competition MasterClass Course


Why Choose The #1 personal development program in the World?
Work On Your Game University is the most in-depth collection of training on: 
How to be mentally tough
How to be focused, locked-in and on-point
How to maximize the use of your time every day
How to have true inner confidence in yourself
How to earn what you're worth
How to communicate clearly & powerfully
How to create and live the self-image you want
How to be a leader who inspires and influences
Dre Baldwin is your personal Growth & Development coach, and you have 24/7 access to the University. You will have unbreakable Discipline, Confidence & Mental Toughness that makes you dominant and UNSTOPPABLE.  
Are you ready to make the most of your talent & opportunity?
Access the University from Any Device at Any Time
Work On Your Game University is easily accessible from your phone, tablet, and desktop computer. No matter where you are, access to Dre is at your fingertips. Designed with your convenience in mind, you’ll always have quick, mobile-friendly access to all 800+ courses.
Dre is your trusted virtual coach
For over 16 years Dre Baldwin has been giving personal & professional development "Game" to athletes, entrepreneurs and working professionals. From athletes to budding entrepreneurs, to professionals looking to grow in their positions, Dre is the go-to source for continuous DAILY education as you develop, evolve and grow. Dre Baldwin is the best direct-access personal development coach in the industry.
Content Views
People Coached
All the courses you get immediate access to... 
  • Twice-Monthly Group Coaching Calls ($4,997 Included)
  • ​Bulletproof Bulletin Monthly Mailing ($297 Included)
  • ​Black Book Monthly Mailing ($297 Included)
  • ​Work On Your Game System ($9,997 Included)
  • ​Bulletproof Mindset Course ($9,997 Included)
  • People Skills Course ($2,997 Included) 
  • 30 Days To Discipline Course ($997 Included)
  • ASAP Confidence Course ($997 Included)
  • 25 Hours Course ($997 Included)
  • ​Competition MasterClass Course ($297 Included)
  • ​Opportunity MasterClass Course ($297 Included)
  • ​Communication MasterClass Course ($297 Included)
  • ​People MasterClass Course ($297 Included)
  • ​Relationships MasterClass Course ($297 Included)
  • ​School, Education & Learning MasterClass Course ($297 Included)
  • ​Pro Basketball MasterClass Course ($297 Included)
  • ​Problem-Solving MasterClass Course ($297 Included)
  • ​Leadership MasterClass Course ($297 Included)
  • ​Content Creation MasterClass Course ($297 Included)
  • ​Skills MasterClass Course ($297 Included)
  • ​Time MasterClass Course ($297 Included)
  • Toughen Up Course ($497 Included)
  • Sell Yourself Course ($997 Included)
  • Content Machine Course ($997 Included)
  • Raise Your Value ($997 Included)
  • Social Story Secrets ($497 Included)
  • Unapologetic ($497 Included)
  • ​Discipline MasterClass Course ($297 Included)
  • ​Leadership MasterClass Course ($297 Included)
  • ​Mental Toughness MasterClass Course ($297 Included)
  • ​Focus MasterClass Course ($297 Included)
  • ​Personal Growth MasterClass Course ($297 Included)
  • ​Confidence MasterClass Course ($297 Included)
  • ​Energy & Urgency MasterClass Course ($297 Included)
  • Business MasterClass Course​ ($297 Included)
  • ​Branding MasterClass Course ($297 Included)
  • ​Sales MasterClass Course ($297 Included)
  • ​Money MasterClass Course ($297 Included)
  • ​Real Conversation MasterClass Course ($297 Included)
  • ​Competition MasterClass Course ($297 Included)
FAQ: your questions - Dre's answers...
"I'm Not Sure I Can Invest The Money!"
You need to allocate resources and invest in something when you believe in the person and program that can help you level up and eliminate financial challenges. By investing now, you're reversing the situation and ensuring you won't have future problems with resource allocation.
"I Don't Have The Time!"
If you're short on time, that's actually a good thing. People with limited time tend to be highly efficient and effective when they commit to something. That's precisely the type of person I want to work with. Join the university, and we'll analyze how you use your time, reallocating it to focus on what truly drives your business and life forward.
"Maybe I Can Do Things On My Own..."
It's like choosing to walk from Miami to Los Angeles when you could take a plane, drive, or use other transportation methods. Doing everything on your own drains your energy and resources. Opt for a smarter, more efficient approach.
"The Coaching Process Might Be Uncomfortable...."
You might initially feel discomfort, but that's a sign you're on the path to success. Many successful people actively seek discomfort to fuel their growth, unlike the majority who prefer comfort and never achieve success. Which group do you want to belong to: the 2% who embrace discomfort and succeed or the 98% who stay in their comfort zones?
"Do I Even NEED Coaching?"
You're here because you already understand the logical reasons for needing coaching and joining this university. Let's overcome any emotional hesitation, get you started, and begin building the necessary skills so you can achieve the life outcomes you desire and maintain your personal growth.
"I've Had Bad Experiences With Coaches."
I've built my reputation on consistently showing up, whether it's in my books or any other aspect of my work. If you've had negative experiences with coaches in the past and want to avoid that again, Work On Your Game University is your one-stop, permanent solution. You won't encounter those problems here.
"I'm Not Sure I Need This Right Now."
When you become a part of this university, you're implicitly granting me permission to push you to take action immediately. This push will lead to transformative, positive changes in your life that you may never have anticipated. If you're hesitating and thinking, "Should I do this now?" - that hesitation is precisely why you should take action right now. Your reason for not doing it is the very reason why you should. Let's take action together immediately.
"I Already Know What To Do - I Just Need To Do It."
Your hesitations about money are exactly WHY you need to invest now. Our program is designed to help you make money money in your business so that you never have a money issue again. 
"I Don't Want To Be Overwhelmed By The Material."
If you've ever felt overwhelmed or are feeling that way now, it's actually a good sign. It's precisely why you should consider joining the university. We'll address this feeling by helping you with your mindset and establishing effective systems to tackle priorities systematically. By focusing on the important things, the smaller tasks become less significant in the grand scheme of things.
"I'm All For Coaching - But I Want Results NOW."
If you're someone who's eager to take action right now and see results immediately, we're on the same page. I understand the need to move fast and get outcomes quickly, and I'm confident that I can help you achieve your goals. Let's get started ASAP.
"Can I Trust Dre To Help Me?"
You'll find testimonials and success stories here because I want you to know that you're not alone in this journey. Many individuals, just like you, have worked with me and experienced results through Work On Your Game University. These stories serve as proof that you can trust what I offer.

And it's not just me saying it. Other people who have been in your shoes are sharing their experiences. Their words carry a lot of weight because they've walked the same path. So, I encourage you to see for yourself by scrolling down and letting their stories speak for me. It's not just what I say; it's what they say that matters.
what our members say
We have literally thousands of these... 

Entertainment Marketing...

Professional Speaker...


Tech entrepreneur...

Event Management...

Real Estate Broker...

business operator...



I want to thank you for the opportunity to open my awareness and thank you for the motivation. In 2018 I just built my tea company in China here in the tea gardens of Wuyi mountain. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you. I still remember your powerful speech. It has really motivated me. Here I am and I would like yo say thank you. 

Peiqin Zhao 
Certified Senior Tea Expert & Founder of Teahouse™


Thank you for sharing your value with the world. I appreciate your value, and it has helped me to develop the mental toughness that I lacked for years. I am in a situation right now that I know a year ago would have had me sleepless, but thanks to you and God that it doesn't matter to me anymore, because I am so focused on growing myself. It feels good to be confident, focused and moving forward. 

Monique McCray-Jackson
Author of "Broken But Not Destroyed"


Much love to you Dre! I just ordered your book this morning too. Your words this morning are exactly what I needed to hear. I’ve been listening to your podcasts for months now and it has definitely helped change the way I view myself and things. Keep doing what you’re doing. I will always support you!! 

Leila Nicole


I wanted to let you know that I love what you're doing. I haven't heard all of your podcasts yet but I'm working my way through them. I'm an athlete from a different perspective, I'm a barrel racer. I ride horses and compete in rodeo. Although a majority of sports talk you use or work with is Basketball, I can understand everything and can use it to help myself. It actually helps me think outside the box because I can't just copy and paste the situation from whatever you may be talking about to what I'm going through. You have made me more disciplined in myself and the work I need to do to become better every day. I greatly appreciate what you do.

Caitlin Collins
Rodeo Competitor


I would sometimes let [lack of] self-confidence get in my way... Dre helped me get my mind right and become the person who I wanted to be. I highly recommend Dre for anyone who wants to to get on the path of getting your mind right and achieving the things that you really want to do. Work On Your Game! 

John Madson, CFP®, CRPC®
Financial Advisor & Owner,  Signature Wealth Management


Thanks for the advice and content. I have applied some of your advice and so far have added staff to my academy and turned over management of some aspects to them, freeing up hours during my week. I am also Head Coach for a HS Varsity Team now, with a strong staff to whom I have delegated responsibility as well. Thanks to your advice, I am able to deliver in both areas on the same amount of time I was allocating to just one task before. I guess I just needed to take that first step of faith. It’s getting easier and now I can see how I can continue to expand my capacity into more areas and involve/promote others at the same time.

Rob Pierson
Director, Shine Basketball Academy


My boss heard Dre speak and was wowed by his perspective and enthusiasm for success. At the time of Dre's talk for our group, we were celebrating our company's top sellers. The challenge that faced us in that setting was motivation to press on and achieve even more success this year than the last. His words were impactful to the level that a worker in the venue where Dre was speaking to us actually came up to him later and thanked him, stating that Dre spoke on exactly what he needed to hear that night. Dre was very professional and even stood in for photos and autographs after his speaking time was finished. 

Rachel Swires
Executive Assistant


Woah. One of the most inspiring and empowering kickoffs to a conference I’ve ever experienced. Thank you, @DreAllDay

Kristin Brashares
Digital & Social Media Marketing Manager


I appreciate your advice and will be following what you said today as I have with most of the other advice that you give out on your other podcasts. I’m one of your avid daily listeners (and one of your actual appliers of advice) and have ALREADY started to ask those initial questions to potential clients. You’re changing lives out here man, I hope you know and understand that.

JD Kearse 
Creative Consultant & Filmmaker


Dre, The life I decided to create when we talked is coming into being every day. I've created a contract and sent it off to someone on Monday. I'm firming up pricing tomorrow with a mentor. In the meantime, I got another request via Facebook for my services and I have had multiple people refer to me as "the expert" online lately. It's all coming together like you said! I listen to your podcast every day and am so incredibly grateful. You're the best. Thank you for changing my course by pushing me and challenging me. I honestly don't think I could have heard it from anyone but you at that point.

Jean South
CEO of Hired Served (Connecting Veterans & Employers)


Hi! My name is Raychel Shannon and I am an avid listener of your podcast. I really relate to your background story. I am a basketball player who also had a crazy journey to make it pro. I went from D2 to D3 to D2 again and made it overseas last year after overcoming a lot of closed doors. I used a lot of your material to guide me through the process and to get a taste of what to expect. Also, your podcast about reading books impacted my life in a huge way. I have always loved to read but didn’t prioritize it. Since listening I have read about a book a week and am working to increase this number even more. You have even inspired me to put my own blog together. When it is up and running I will definitely send you the link. In closing, I want to thank you for the material you put out. Keep up the great, quality work! 

Raychel Shannon
Pro Basketball Player


I started the new year by making an investment into changing my life’s experience through improving both my professional and social presence. In moments of reflection I’ve noted a number of missed opportunities over the years that included extended lapses of time in pursuit of attainable goals. One of the methods used to address these and other issues was working with Dre Baldwin of “Work On Your Game”. It resulted in the creation and implementation of actionable steps toward accurately focusing effort more consistently. A great deal of attention was given to developing a rubric of perspective to engage new challenges of any sort successfully as they arise. The positive gains from the experience overall have been lasting and are evident in my day to day life. A big take away was being reminded of how much control each of us have in maximizing our quality of life each day. There won’t ever be a need to repeat this process ever again. If you could benefit from learning how to be more organized, more confident, or whatever...heck we all can be better at something! Contact Dre ASAP and make good on your plans to improve if you are really serious about it. His methods are sound and his approach is both polished and professional. There are still many more mountains I have to climb, but I am geared up and ready to reach every summit. Thanks Dre!!!

Jeff Rashad Thomas
Customer Service Specialist


Hey Dre, The reason for this email is to express my sincere appreciation and admiration for the dedication you have for your craft. I've been following you for a little over two years now. I own several books of yours and I also purchased your Bullet Proof Mindset Course. But the thing that's helped me the most is your PODCAST. I learned so much from The WOYG Podcast that it made me want to start my own. I wanted to do for others what you did for me. I wanted to for two years but I didn't! There's a bunch of excuses for why I didn't, but not a single good reason. The only thing that was in my way was me. But I finally got sick and tired of being sick and tired, so I decided to take action. I posted my 4th podcast episode yesterday. I have you to thank for that! Thank you for your content! & Thank you for helping me build up the confidence I needed to finally launch my podcast. (P.s. it's even rated 5 Stars on Apple Podcast :)

Flor Castro
Podcast Creator & Host
[If you just skipped to the bottom – here's the deal: this is your chance to join Work On Your Game University and get coached on our system of Mindset, Strategy, Systems & Accountability with the goal of high performance, consistency and results]


Reality can be harsh making the truth hard to face sometimes; I love that Dre is a straight shooter and shares his insight where it’s black and white. He has a wide array of topics that are VERY relatable for just about anyone — a must listen to!!!

Stefanie Johnson
World Champion Professional Bowler


I just want to say that you are REALLY good at making the case for dropping all the analysis paralysis, and shaking the fear, and just doing wtf we wanna do, win lose or draw, and letting the chips fall where they fall, without whining. Nike says "Just Do It," and hell, a LOT of people say it, but few make the case like you do. Excellent work.

Steve Burks
Accomplished Singer-Songwriter & Musician


Dre Baldwin is a tough, truth-telling coach who can change your game by teaching you how to work on it in the right ways. None of what he shares is easy, but all of it is smart, and if you have the guts to do the work, this book will show you the path to success.

Dr. Nick Morgan
Acclaimed Best-Selling Author & Elite Communications Coach


Hi Dre! Will post this publicly but I also really wanted to tell you directly. It’s been exactly one year since I’d been listening to your podcasts. It started when I was on my way to my miserable job at a horrible architecture company. A team of 45 architects and 2 interior designers including myself. They had us working 14 hour days with no paid overtime, it was exhausting and completely upsetting to think this was all my industry could be. One fed up morning, I couldn’t stomach going to work, in need of some motivation I somehow stumbled upon your podcast and everything changed from then on. I went in every morning charged and motivated. Still hated my job entirely but it pushed me to have bigger ambition and a ‘no excuses’ attitude which has really become a part of the way I organically operate today. You helped me realize my potential, my talent, what drives me. Taught me to fuck the excuses, opinions and the norm. One ballsy day I left that job, and started my own business. Immediately I was petrified of what I had just done. “How will I get clients? This isn’t going to work... what were you thinking???” But I stuck to it, stayed brave and worked on marketing. 3 months into my business opening and I am constantly turning down clients because there simply are too many! I wake up driven, excited and charged every single day. I cannot thank you enough for being as real as possible. It’s weird to think you’ve been a big part of my day for a year and you have no idea who I am 😂 Anyways, keep doing what you’re doing.

Tania Coneliano
Creative Director, Mozzafiato Interiors


I have known Dre for years now, and every interaction I have with him adds tremendous value to my life. From receiving inspiration from his well-spoken leadership as President of Toastmasters South Beach to sitting down with him 1-on-1 to discuss the next steps for my business, the wisdom and guidance he shares has always been on-point, visionary and empowered. Thank you, Dre, for the contribution you are to so many lives on this planet. You rock!

Jeska Brodbeck
Owner Of Be Light Consulting & Corporate Keynote Speaker


Dre, you continue to constantly inspire me and help me grow. You are a true Thought Leader

Darbi Gwynn
Influencer & Actress


I was a really good basketball player physical but mentally I wasn't there... I went from good to unstoppable. Dre just doesn't cover confidence. He covers confidence, discipline, visioning success, dealing with negativity, mindset mistakes and much, much more! I have recommended Dre to anyone who wants to be serious in basketball or anything in life. Thank you again and Work On Your Game!

Grayson Honaker
Record-Setting High School Basketball Star


WORK ON YOUR GAME will help you bring discipline, confidence, and fearlessness to your work whether you're in the boardroom, a start-up garage, or the sales office. It will show you where to put the work in to get the best results, when to take chances, and how to toughen up to meet daily challenges. Baldwin's story and advice will inspire you to play your best -- no matter what your game.

Daniel Pink
4x New York Times Best-Selling Author

What's included: Live Calls

[Live Calls for EVERY Level!]

There's a Monthly Calendar for all our live coaching calls that specifies the topic to be discussed so you can plan ahead  -- which means you know exactly what you're getting and can bring your questions with you (and they're all recorded in case you miss one). 

weekly calls:

  • Weekly Group Coaching Calls w/ Q&A [Playoffs & Up] Every Week, there will be a live Zoom call where Dre teaches on Mindset (1st week of each month), Strategy (2nd week), Action (3rd week), and Accountability (4th week). Oh yeah -- all questions will be answered here, too. Bring your questions, concerns, announcements, wins, and challenges and be helped by Dre and the group. Calls will alternate each week between Friday one week and Saturday the next week at 12pm EST, (subject to change if necessary). 

Monthly Call:

  • Monthly Live How-To Workshop [Season & Up] Once Per Month, Dre teaches an actionable, start-to-finish workshop on a specific Work On Your Game U topic [Mindset, Strategy, Accountability, Action] then answers your questions live. You will leave these workshops with an EXACT execution plan.  Workshop dates to be announced. 
  • Q&A Call [Open To ALL Members] Once Per Month, Dre does a live call doing what he does best: answering YOUR questions live.  Q&A will be on a Saturday or Sunday at 12 or 1pm EST. Exact dates to be announced each month. 


A year and a half later I would like to thank you for your words of hope and to say that I just passed the exam and I'm already a lawyer. It was your words of confidence that, as strangers, had the greatest impact and helped me to overcome defeat and to continue working to achieve today's victory! God bless you!

Lili Cordeiro
Immigration & Human Rights Attorney / SVP, People and Culture 


Dre is a master of peeling back the layers to get to what's really important... Real, raw, and practical guide for getting whatever it is that you want. Be prepared to leave your excuses behind and experience mega growth. 

Misty Buck
Owner, PurposeSoul Athletics & Miss Ink Social Media Marketing Service
 What's Included: community

[All Levels]

Our exclusive Facebook Group is for Work On Your Game University members only. Share your wins and challenges, ask questions, offer insights and answers, and connect with people who are just as serious about their games as you! 
what you'll do upon joining: 
here's what happens next...

1. Welcome Package Email As soon as you're registered, you'll receive a Welcome Email with login info to the University Member's Area. There you will see the live calls schedule, monthly University Magazine, courses [Season Level & Up], and a link to schedule your Onboarding Call [Playoffs]. 

2. Access The Archives You can access the Call, Magazine archives, and Courses immediately, and go through them at your own pace.  

3. Join The Community Access the member-only Work On Your Game University Facebook Group (we will let you in within 48 hours!)

4. Schedule Onboarding Call [Playoffs Level only] When you join Work On Your Game University, you get a 30-minute call with Dre where we will go over why you've joined, your most pressing needs and what you want to accomplish in the University. Then we'll formulate a 90-day plan for you to get started with. 

5. Put the Live Calls on Your Calendar We send a weekly email with the upcoming call schedule. You can add these to your calendar and plan to be there! 

6. Show Up! Be present for the Live Coaching and Q&A calls. This is what you signed up for! You get out what you put in. 

Our Work On Your Game Guarantee

Take A Full 30 days To Put Us To The Test With Our Iron Clad, Money Back Guarantee
If Work On Your Game University doesn't teach you to implement the "Work On Your Game" philosophy from the inside out... if we don't hold you accountable to your started goals... if we don't help you to make measurable progress that you can see and feel... if you don't feel you're getting closer to your full potential, or if you just decide it's not for you, then you will receive a full refund anytime in your first 30 days, no questions asked!!
We'll take all the risk and prove ourselves. 
Dre Baldwin, CEO Work On Your Game Inc. 
Work On Your Game Inc. 1300 Washington Ave #153 Miami Beach FL 33119
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