
"WOOOW... if i could have Dre Baldwin give me a pep talk every morning, that would be great"

Bulletproof Mindset 2.0:

How To Be Your Most Confident Self and Possess Unbreakable Mental Toughness So you can stop Underachieving and Selling Yourself Short FOREVER... Guaranteed!!!

My secret weapon to have unbreakable Mental Toughness...

The Guaranteed LIFETIME Solution To every mindset Challenge you've ever had.

The problem...

You value the importance of Mindset and how an improvement in Discipline, Confidence & Mental Toughness would take you to another level... you just don't know where to begin.  

Because of this, you routinely quit on yourself. 
You stop short when you see opportunity. 
You hold your tongue when you have something to say. 
You get into victim mentality. 
You let life kick your ass. 

And you look in the mirror at the end of the day and don't like what you see. 

What's worse...

This has been going on for months and maybe YEARS. And it's not getting better. 

... Which leads to frustration, because you know you're living short of your potential. While you're struggling with this, LIFE is passing you by. 

You see people who don't have half your skill and intelligence out-performing you and getting rewards that should be yours. It feels like your own mind is working against you half the time.  

And you know that life is not slowing down to wait for you. 

What You've Tried...

You've tried thinking positive and consuming positive material. But that's gotten you only so far. 

You've watched motivational videos. 
Listened to podcasts. 
You get #DailyMotivation texts, save inspirational posts off of social media, and try to stay upbeat. 

But you know, deep down, that this surface-level stuff isn't enough. If it was, your problem would be solved already!

Where You're headed...

That stuff doesn't work because there's no real process or structure to getting your mindset in the right place and keeping it there permanently. 

What you need is a process or system for how you think and literally program your mind for the mindset that you want – AND keeps it there consistently even after you've gone through the process. That way, you can avoid the back-and-forth roller-coaster mindset that you've been on. 

But... does something like that even exist???

YES!!! there's a System that you can Plug into TODAY... 

Mastering mindset takes more than getting "hyped up" and hoping it lasts. 

That's why we've developed a SYSTEM that combines everything you need for Discipline, Confidence, Communication, Leadership, Habits, Mental Toughness and MORE that makes all of this easy-to-apply, duplicatable and full-proof. We call it Bulletproof Mindset 2.0

Here's just some of what you get with Bulletproof Mindset 2.0... 

bulletproof mindset 2.0
Bulletproof Mindset is more than a course. 

Bulletproof Mindset is the FOUNDATIONAL groundwork Dre laid first for himself, and what he's taught on a daily basis for the past 15 years -- starting with athletes and now with entrepreneurs, freelancers and business professionals. 

Bulletproof Mindset is not something you do -- it's who you  will transform into over the course of the 12 modules. Imagine A WHOLE NEW YOU, leaving your past self behind. 

That's the opportunity this course is offering. You in? 
what you're getting [12-Module Video Course]
  • Module 1: The 7 Golden Rules
  • Module 2: Personal Mental Conditioning System 
  • Module 3: The Little Things That Make a BIG Difference 
  • Module 4: Mindset Mistakes That Good People Habitually Make
  • Module 5: Handling Negativity From People & Circumstances
  • Module 6: The Power Of Razor Sharp Focus
  • Module 7: Communicating With Power
  • Module 8: Making It Who You ARE, Not Just What You DO
  • Module 9: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Module 10: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Module 11: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Module 12: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
how THis helps you
  • Result: Condition yourself to be at your best mentally on a DAILY basis 
  • Result: Eliminate the MENTAL COBWEBS that block clear thinking
  • Result: Handle negative and uncooperative people EASILY
  • Result: Sharpen your FOUCS to get more stuff done every day
  • Result: Communicate in a powerful way and always get your point across 
  • Result: Make your new mindset who you, one that lasts PERMANENTLY
  • Result: Handle and fix all the common mental errors that erode the Bulletproof Mindset
  • Result: In addition to the internal change, your transformation will show on the outside as well -- everyone will see and feel your new energy 
  • Result: A Whole NEW YOU
WHy It really matters for you
  • SUPER-PRODUCTIVE: Get and THE MOST done every day
  • LEADERSHIP: People will FOLLOW your directives and LISTEN when you talk 
  • ​EXCITED: Wake up energized about life every day
  • ​WORKING FOR YOU: Have your mind on your side, never against you 
  • ​CONFIDENCE: Live at your highest possible level and stay there 
  • ​CONDITION: Your mind like a top athlete conditions their body 

VALUE $1,997 


Thanks for the advice and content. I have applied some of your advice and so far have added staff to my academy and turned over management of some aspects to them, freeing up hours during my week. I am also Head Coach for a HS Varsity Team now, with a strong staff to whom I have delegated responsibility as well. Thanks to your advice, I am able to deliver in both areas on the same amount of time I was allocating to just one task before. I guess I just needed to take that first step of faith. It’s getting easier and now I can see how I can continue to expand my capacity into more areas and involve/promote others at the same time.

Rob Pierson
Director, Shine Basketball Academy

Bulletproof Mindset 2.0: Lock Into Your Zone, Develop Sharp Focus And Exude Full Confidence To Lead Yourself And Your Team, And Make It Stick Forever - Guaranteed

What Would Life Would Be Like If You Could Get Full Control Of Your Mindset?

• Your Word Carries Weight
• "Bold + Confident" Describes You
• Perpetually In Your "Zone"
• Sharp & Unbreakable FOCUS
• The Powerful Leader
• A Permanent Transformation

All of these pieces of this program came together over the course of TEN PLUS YEARS of trial and error, learning, answering questions, and testing material on audiences ranging from business owners to athletes to parents to influencers. 
plus, you'll get these BONUS masterClasses... 

Just so we make sure you get EXACTLY what you need for mastering your MINDSET -- enjoy these BONUS MasterClasses that will make your Mental Game UNBREAKABLE...

1) Mental Errors Are Unacceptable $97 Value
2) How To Develop Mental Toughness $97 Value
3) As A Leader, Everything Is Your Game $97 Value
4) Dealing With & Destroying Mental Blocks $97 Value
5) Clear and Direct: Communication Principles $97 Value
6) Mental Health Vs Mental Toughness $97 Value
7) 3 Key Mental Conditioning Exercises $97 Value
8) 5 Key Mental Attitudes Of Winners $97 Value

Total Value Of JUST These Bonuses: $776 😮🤯

what People say about Dre's materials...
I start every day with the motivational words of Dre Baldwin. The book and podcast provides focus and a reminder of what's important right now. There are a lot of people that coach and motivate but there's something special about hearing the right message at the right time that's priceless. The icing on the cake is that this material is poetic in the sense that the gold is in the brevity. It hits you right in the heart and stands back and says now what are you prepared to do to change.

- Chris Jones
While looking for resources to help improve the confidence of my 13 year old scholar athlete son, I came across the YouTube page of Dre. I viewed several videos and almost immediately found one on in-game nervousness that on point addressed the issues that my son was struggling with on the court and off. He viewed that video and started the mental work that Dre describes in that video. Less than a week later, he had one of his best games this session. It is now routine that we as a family view a video or listen to a podcast and discuss in a positive open way. It is helping my Sports Dad husband to understand he can’t want this more. We all know this, but sometimes you need to really hear the message relayed from someone who has been down the path of an athlete. Dre is able to make a connection with athletes that are far better than a lecture from Mom and Dad. His messages truly apply to not only sports, but school and life as well.

- TJ's Mom
I purchased this book, absolutely incredible knowledge inside this book, ive been following dre Baldwin for 9 or 10 years now, through his knowledge and videos it helped me change my life 5 years ago, of course i made the decision to change, but his videos and books really made an impact on my life, so i travel the world as a professional mma and muay thai fighter training at the best gyms in the world im currently in thailand training and fighting! and also i am a entrepreneur, ive consistently listened and watched his videos for all these years and listening and applying his philosophy changed my life when i was at rock bottom in my life. I absolutely recommend this book and also any book he puts out as well as all his social media platforms and videos, truly life changing knowledge and advice! I definitely recommend you taking this book seriously!

- Austin Pierce
Work On Your Game by Dre Baldwin testimonial


Hey Dre, The reason for this email is to express my sincere appreciation and admiration for the dedication you have for your craft. I've been following you for a little over two years now. I own several books of yours and I also purchased your Bullet Proof Mindset Course. But the thing that's helped me the most is your PODCAST. I learned so much from The WOYG Podcast that it made me want to start my own. I wanted to do for others what you did for me. I wanted to for two years but I didn't! There's a bunch of excuses for why I didn't, but not a single good reason. The only thing that was in my way was me. But I finally got sick and tired of being sick and tired, so I decided to take action. I posted my 4th podcast episode yesterday.I have you to thank for that! Thank you for your content! & Thank you for helping me build up the confidence I needed to finally launch my podcast. (P.s. it's even rated 5 Stars on Apple Podcast :) )

- Flor, Podcaster
Work On Your Game by Dre Baldwin testimonial


Dre is a master of peeling back the layers to get to what's really important. This book is a real, raw, and practical guide for getting whatever it is that you want. Be prepared to leave your excuses behind and experience mega growth.

- Misty Buck, Entrepreneur & Coach
Work On Your Game by Dre Baldwin testimonial


WORK ON YOUR GAME will help you bring discipline, confidence, and fearlessness to your work whether you're in the boardroom, a start-up garage, or the sales office. It will show you where to put the work in to get the best results, when to take chances, and how to toughen up to meet daily challenges. Baldwin's story and advice will inspire you to play your best -- no matter what your game.

- Dan Pink, NYT Bestselling Author
Work On Your Game by Dre Baldwin testimonial


Dre Baldwin is a tough, truth-telling coach who can change your game by teaching you how to work on it in the right ways. None of what he shares is easy, but all of it is smart, and if you have the guts to do the work, this book will show you the path to success.

- Nick Morgan, Bestselling Author
Work On Your Game by Dre Baldwin testimonial


Just finished book over the weekend—thanks so much for all the great info. It will be a great resource coaching at a Div 3 school---I know our best player from this season is trying to continue to play. Looking forward to sharing the info—great thoughts on mental toughness. Thanks again,

- Brad Oringer, College Basketball Coach
start Bulletproof Mindset 2.0 today [Lifetime access]...
Bulletproof Mindset 2.0 $4,997
8 BONUS MasterClasses $776
Total Value $5,773
Get Bulletproof Mindset 2.0 + all the Bonuses for 
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⚡️Flash Sale 👇:
just $497 today!
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